Free Computer Skills Online Training
Many disadvantaged and underprivileged women lack adequate computer skills. These include previous stay at home Moms, female new-comers to Canada, and many disadvantaged women who for various reasons want to re-enter the workforce but find they need computer skills to do so. However, many of these women have neither the funds nor the capacity to attend the high paced for-profit classes. Some women who are already employed but desire to augment their computer skills also need help.
AWE offers free computer skills training for such women. Before the pandemic, these were in-person classes. During the pandemic we delivered the classes remotely through the Google Classroom. Beginning late Summer 2024 the classes will be taught online to make them more accessible to as many women as possible. The classes cover basic computer skills, including; how to create documents, slides, spreadsheets and how to use the internet, search engines, and other social media.
Benefits of Computer Literacy
- Computer literacy facilitates a woman’s ability to contribute to her community.
New immigrants need computer skills to learn English and search for jobs and amenities in their communities. - Far exceeding gainful employment and money, computer literacy imparts a sense of security, independence, and pride.
- Many Moms desire computer literacy to better understand their children’s learning at school and be able to assist them with homework.
- A significant part of communication in the 21st century is done remotely over computer networks.
- Computer literacy can mitigate women being and remaining in abusive and dangerous economically motivated relationships.
- Computer literacy is a success-enhancing tool that enables a woman to make her own decisions.